
Day 35 (First Dates With Me)

Christ almighty its the second coming of a past closeted relationship that set sails and sank before I could clean the stains from my emotional heart strings or other imagery that evokes the sense of being for those who never set foot in the deep dark basement that beget my malcontent. 
The tender pitter patter of tiny feet bound and shackled by small town rage this set stage for a second act and the last laugh is yet to be had never took the time to hate the dad and father figure preferred to keep issues in the distant rear view mirror of someone else's bumper sticker laden Volvo the children scream oh no as we pass about the knowledge of how to live our failed lives again set in motion chains or wave like ocean.
By the way have you seen that show today? the one where celebrity X makes statement Y soon to lament even though it was forged from the hot cement underneath the feet of his press agent who lives off the tiny red drops of human existence excreted by his clientele. 
Now where was I and who are you?
Take a minute to tell me about yourself and do it in the form of a question?
Through whispered silence the greatest scream can be heard statements of the absurd seem prolific and filled with magical meaning the representation of a culture we make in our own mind its not complex its just convoluted.
Now as I have alluded I am looking to meet you build a mental image of the white picket fence I try to tare down the truth is I want to be one of them but cant seem to fit in, fell out of the box a long time ago and cant seem to climb back in but I've always had week upper body strength somewhere behind muscle and exposed vein lies the organs we often use to demonstrate actions of the mind.
Some say love is blind, I say love is the determination of the mind to feel commune with another in hopes of creating something divine a simple mystery created by our prolific need to procreate and experiment with our various bodily excretions... Oh hold on Christ sake don't leave... I mean love is magic pixies and fairies and there is no part of me that wants to climb in your regions nary nay my fair maiden please stay... I'll hold the door for you and even pay... I didn't meant to make you feel this way but I was making jest in that unfunny way... Look you're special like everyone else and I have never seen anyone who looked better in that dress, you also read the books that I have seen on the shelves when I enter Barnes and Noble... I hear they are amazing... Daniel Steele has written a thousand by now how could be anything but amazing? She's had so much practice. 
Would this have gone better if I asked about your cat?

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