
Day 85 (Obama pullsout of Afghanistan while Weiner slides in)

Can you slip past soft hide to cut quick past life’s long hunger?
Could you take that which does not feel and steal the glass eye?
 This was the first told last stand.
The pan fried what once was meets what will be this fake faux fur neck wrap slid along the cold nape down and out and down again this was the fast drop to new lands remembered through minds sick tale of thoughts fail the tongue in cheek that drained the cavity stricken teeth this was the face that was one side of two and how the words repeat “I Love You” “I Love You” but it has no meaning in between the gnash and crack of god’s gold teeth picked clean by limp hand hanging from firm wrist this listless lost cringe and tickle the soft cheek and cold hair.
Hard beat on ear’s drum the pounding ho hum of time’s forgotten stand still lip quiver while words ring liberty’s bell “I Love You” “I Love you” and still no meaning can be had and no meat will stick to bone only gristle’s thick texture will meet with cheek for the over chew in a bleak statement of faith to the eager flock herded by a hound of unusual birth the first of a new kind sleek fur and stomach staple this was the genetic leap forward packaged and wrapped in bubble for slow  pop and joy.
And we are all left to wonder: where were you when the ball dropped and crushed the fine soul of year’s end?

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