
Day 91 (The Ballad of Casey Anthony)

Their was a soft twinkle in hazel eyE
The leap of faith for taught leg fiberS
Broken fibiaS
By societal monkeY
Clamoring on the back of maN
You claim AtlaS
But need held hanD
In palms last grasP
Nails cracked and brittlE
Flake and falL
To feed the lower rungs on some Darwinian laddeR 
Climbed one fated steP
After fated steP
Expand the mind to narrow past vieW
Anyone who claims the trutH
Is short on knowledge and long on tootH
If only we could die short sighteD
Simple fact of dust to dusT
Much more than the biblical phrasE
All fixated on the raise and ascenD
Some higher planE
Of existencE
But forgotten is our owN
Ex is and tencE
Closed is the fist that finds the thin throaT
To crush loud voicE
Stain palms with that unforgettable brown flakE
And crumblE
I had to wear my glasses so I could seE
Rain long gonE
All that's left is the same hazel twinklE
Begging and PleadinG
Justice and love lost their sight in the same bright lighT
Always fucking blinkinG
Stop I'm doing some thinkinG
long and hard like John HolmeS

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