Take simple fingers eager nail and pierce tender abdominal flesh peel back inch by precious inch ‘til you reach proper intestinal exposure blow with pursed lips tender wisps of air to dry the surface of your small intestine hone your ear to listen to the sound of heart’s beating palpate fragile organs to determine the best location to slide gentle curved metal attach long thin strand of woven cotton and pull out symbolic representations of thoughts and feelings comb through the pile dab at bile with a thousand thread count Egyptian cotton sheet meanwhile consider proper aesthetic alignment stack sort and coordinate the most appealing arrangement don’t forget to color coordinate plus the importance of size and shape effects the mental state of the first impression for the on looking mass of critics and those wishful want-to-be or not to be just keep focus of minds gentle artistic eye if needed wear your prescribed lenses take note of simple curvature direction and lines make sure not to malign the viewer with a miss-communicated idea.
Wipe the round drops of perspiration from forehead give a simple sigh back to work give another tug to drag a little more onto the rug if it doesn’t hurt you’re not pulling hard enough finger through the mound to find perfect organ take in hand survey the outer edges and take note of any decay and oscillation gently pull toward doubtful smile and open with ivory incisor. Take a deep breath to slow heaving chest lay heart murmur to rest. Use a terry cloth to stop the bleeding before we can proceed now just a few simple steps no jest or jocular emotion this is a skin dive into the Jungian ocean of our collective unconscious knowing the sharks will circle with each drip of life’s liquid but I digress and time is of the essence offer up split organ to the wondering eye of Poseidon while Oden’s raven circles on high let the vision blur in your eye while the human experience drips dry all on your newest supply of 60 pound parchment.