Dew drips from clogged eyes filtered smiles as sun rises to the tops of hills and thrills replace morning chills soft flesh pressed to thread count expressions of monetary value self proclaimed and ordained the future is bright light cuts cornea reveal revere celebrate the wake of a lost cause or friend indeterminate is the fate or food put on the plate days await night misplaced.
Questions and concerns from the body heat yearns a thought or blink of eye to press finger in thigh of regrets yet to be had a push and pound profound prolific thunder encased in skulls cave the who what and where ceiling stare.
Twitch mid morning fits disturb the sleep sound body breath heads wordless desires fires not out rekindled crack and sizzle flesh snaps to motion momentary devotion.
Swirl and curl through rooms swift whirl seeping pores saline drips tongue slips Freudian.
Questions and concerns from the body heat yearns a thought or blink of eye to press finger in thigh of regrets yet to be had a push and pound profound prolific thunder encased in skulls cave the who what and where ceiling stare.
Twitch mid morning fits disturb the sleep sound body breath heads wordless desires fires not out rekindled crack and sizzle flesh snaps to motion momentary devotion.
Swirl and curl through rooms swift whirl seeping pores saline drips tongue slips Freudian.